Louis Lemonnier
Research Associate
Research Interests:
Quantum Programming Languages
Category theory
My research lies at the intersection between mathematics, computer science and quantum theory. My main focus resides on the semantics of quantum programming languages; in other words, I provide an interpretation of programs using techniques from logic and mathematics, in particular topology and category theory. One of my goals is to abstract quantum programming from the level of circuits to infinite data types. My interest in quantum computing has also led me to work on reversible programming languages and the semantics of effects. Developing the semantics of a programming language enhances one's understanding of this language, and it can sometimes highlight which aspects of the language can be improved. Moreover, semantics offers a formal setting for a type-safe verified compilation of a (high-level) language to hardware.
'Central submonads and notions of computation: Soundness, completeness and internal languages'. Titouan Carette; Louis Lemonnier; Vladimir Zamdzhiev. 2023 38th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS) Link 'Semantics for a Turing-complete Reversible Programming Language with Inductive Types' K Chardonnet, L Lemonnier, B Valiron - arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.12151, 2023 Link 'The Semantics of Effects: Centrality, Quantum Control and Reversible Recursion' L Lemonnier - arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.07216, 2024 Link