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Quantum Fringe event submission

This form is intended for everyone. If you have any suggestions for events, workshops, hackathons, networking, or social gatherings which you or a group would like to host, please let us know using the below. Thank you in advance for helping us to make Quantum Fringe a success!

If more than one organiser, please specify who is the lead of the event. If your event involves other partners, please also include their affiliation/organisation/company/etc.

Name or the general theme of the proposed event.

What is the main purpose of this event? e.g. knowledge sharing, social gathering, networking, showcasing research, etc.

E.g. Edinburgh, Glasgow, Highlands, etc.

E.g. full-day , half-day, specific hours, etc.

Who should attend this event? E.g. students, researchers, industry professionals, etc.

Event Format

Suggested speakers, panellists, or contributors (if any).

Please confirm if you have already confirmed a venue or if you have a venue in mind. If yes, please confirm the name and location of the venue.

If your event is already published, please provide a link

Please provide a short description of the event which we will include on the Quantum Fringe 2025 webpage.

If yes, do you have an estimate for the ticket price?

Do you have a budget or access to funding for your event? 

If you require any assistance from the QSL, please specify below. By default, we will provide marketing for your event. In some cases, we may help with identifying venues and providing a speaker.

Informatics Forum,

The University of Edinburgh,

10 Crichton St,




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The Quantum Software Lab is part of the University of Edinburgh, a charitable body registered in Scotland with registration number SC005336.

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